Questions and Comments (Note : These do not substitute the lab manual but just supplement it.) 1. Explain, in your own words, what a polarizer does to the light incident on it. How do sunglasses use these properties ? 2. When you plot the two curves (experimental and theoretical) and compare them, mention the method you will use to compare. Instead of just saying that 'they lie close enough' or 'they do not', try to be more precise about what that might mean. You might estimate(*) the uncertainty associated with your measurements and then use that for the comparison. (Check if the theoretical curve lies within the uncertainty range.) (*) - By "estimate" i do not mean "guess", but something that you reason out (and don't keep the reasoning to yourself, share it with me, I'll not tell it to anybody ! ) 3. What are the units for the x and y axis of the graph ? What are the units for intensity of light ? What does the difference mean ? ("Difference" between the units on y axis and units of intensity, even when you are plotting the intensity vs. angle.)